Brigg’s & Stratton

On July 20th, 2020 B&S announced that hey are filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Chapter 11 is designed to keep businesses running without any intention of shutting down. The good news is that there is at least one buyer ready to purchase the company out of bankruptcy.

In short , we are cautiously optimistic. Briggs has been very responsive and continues to produce new engines. We believe that Briggs & Stratton will emerge out of this stronger than before. Since not everything is fool proof, we are evaluating other engine options for the 31 and 35 HP engines, that could be affected if Chapter 11 doesn’t work out as planned.

WINCO is actively monitoring the situation. We want you to be rest assured that no matter the outcome, WINCO will be ready to adjust.

Click here for more information from Briggs & Stratton.


What are NFPA 70 700.3 (f) requirements?

The NFPA 70 700.3 (f) is a newer electric code specifically meant for a critical facility. These type of facilities already have an emergency generator in place. With the new code, these facilities now have to have a back-up power system in place for when their emergency generator is off-line. Simply put, you need a temporary back up generator for your permanent generator.

It is likely that you will be needing a portable/towable generator with a manual transfer switch. Your manual transfer switch will be installed after the automatic transfer switch and normally, there is a need for a docking station for the temporary generator.

For the visual learners:

For those who like the full technical definition

2017 Code Language NFPA 70 700.3 (f)

Temporary Source of Power for Maintenance or Repair of the Alternate Source of Power. If the emergency system relies on a single alternate source of power, which will be disabled for maintenance or repair, the emergency system shall include permanent switching means to connect a portable or temporary alternate source of power, which shall be available for the duration of the maintenance or repair. The permanent switching means to connect a portable or temporary alternate source of power shall comply with the following:

  1. Connection to the portable or temporary alternate source of power shall not require modification of the permanent system wiring.
  2. Transfer of power between the normal power source and the emergency power source shall be in accordance with 700.12.
  3. The connection point for the portable or temporary alternate source shall be marked with the phase rotation and system bonding requirements.
  4. Mechanical or electrical interlocking shall prevent inadvertent interconnection of power sources.
  5. The switching means shall include a contact point that shall annunciate at a location remote from the generator or at another facility monitoring system to indicate that the permanent emergency source is disconnected from the emergency system.

It shall be permissible to utilize manual switching to switch from the permanent source of power to the portable or temporary alternate source of power and to utilize the switching means for connection of a load bank.

You can find all of our available manual switches here.

The RP50 is Back!

The RP50 is back and re-engineered with a Tier IV final engine and more features than before!

The RP50 is designed not only to look tough, it is built tough. The oil field skid is ready for you to put it to work, no matter what your application is.

FPT F5 series engine

WINCO and FPT have a strong partnership bringing superior service and support. You will love this 3.4L turbo charged engine. It has 74 HP with DOC only -no DPF, no SCR.

We have competitively priced the RP50 to work with your budget without compromising on quality or limiting features.

Switchable voltage takes this generator to the next level. The 3-position switch allows one generator to the work of many. We upgraded the AVR to a DSE109, providing more features than in a regular AVR. When you switch the voltage via the switch, the AVR will automatically sets it to nominal voltage. You can trim the voltage on the panel and it will remember it until the voltage is switched again using CAN communication between the DSE7310 and AVR.

For more information and product downloads, click here to get to the RP50 product page.


Prime Diesel – DR12


A prime power generator needs to be reliable, especially in critical applications.

We did just that, engineered our DR12 to be a reliable power source, specifically for smaller applications. Other manufacturers focus more on the larger units, which when used for smaller capacities can really affect the performance of the generator or cause damage.

Isuzu CE1

Tier IV Final

Mechanical engine

No after treatment required!

What is the benefit of a properly sized generator?

For one, It prevents wet stacking. We all know that wet stacking can create many problems and potentially cause costly damage to the engine.

And then there is the operating cost savings. By using a smaller generator, you will be saving in fuel costs. Plus, the DR12 is priced as a standby generator, meaning you get all of the industrial features and components as a prime powered generator at a lower cost.

Optional Trailer
Get power to where you need it most.

Optional Housing
Save cost by having an open skid design.

The DR12 continues with the same quality and industrial strength you have known and trusted from WINCO Generators.

For more information and product downloads, click here to get to the DR12 product page.


Service Part Stock

When you are signed in to the Dealer Portal, you will have access to our Service Part Stock Check.

Simply, enter the part number and click on the Look Up Part button. The part will be displayed with the part description, List Price, Net Price, and how many is in stock. Some parts will have a Next Available. This is when more inventory will be available and how many will be in stock.

If you don’t have the part number, you can always call our Service Department at 507-357-6831 for assistance!